Creative writers can do interviews to make easy money. Local newspapers eat them up. You will make about $15 or $20 on each one, plus $5 for a picture. Resell the same article all over the nation and turn that $20 into $200.
The first question an interviewee will ask you is, "Who are you going to sell this article to?" The last question they will ask is, "Will I get to see this article before it is sold?"
The answer to the first question is, "I am a freelancer, and I sell to different markets. When I sell it, I will send you a copy." (And be sure you do!) The answer to the last question is, "I'm sorry. Editors disapprove of that practice. I can assure you that I will not misrepresent anything you say."
Finding people to interview is no problem. You don't need access to a three-legged person, a unique museum, or the Fountain of Youth's owner. News is all around you. Open your eyes and look at the ordinary.
Maybe you would want to interview a supervisor in a Coca-Cola factory. How much does the machinery cost. How many bottles are broken daily? What does it cost to produce one bottle of Coke?
To find the right person to interview, make a few phone calls. Ask the operator or receptionist who you should ask about thus and so. Get the name of the person, and talk to their secretary. Ask what his hobby is. When you finally gain access to him, after the formal introductions are finished, you can open with, "I hear you are an avid golfer." And you are off and rolling on your interview.
Take a note pad, pen and small tape recorder. Ask if it is okay to use a tape recorder. Most people will be hesitant. A statement such as, "I just want to get the facts straight. Is it okay if I set this over here?" (point to an unobtrusive place) can relax them. Avoid interrupting the flow of the interview and take notes only when you must. Once you have your information, be sure to thank that person and make arrangements for any follow-up questions by telephone or email.
When you're ready to write it out, choose a working title. You can always change it later, and a working title will help you wrap your mind around the subject.
What will the scope and tone of your article be? Will it be an in-depth study, or will it cover only the highlights? Is your objective to instruct your readers, or will you be entertaining them? Will you be using an argumentative approach, or will you write it as a motivational piece? Once you have answered these questions, the research and writing will go faster and easier.
To feel comfortable about writing your article, you must collect more data than you will ever use. It will give you confidence, and that confidence will exude an air of authority and authenticity in the finished product. See below for more free writer's tips.
The first question an interviewee will ask you is, "Who are you going to sell this article to?" The last question they will ask is, "Will I get to see this article before it is sold?"
The answer to the first question is, "I am a freelancer, and I sell to different markets. When I sell it, I will send you a copy." (And be sure you do!) The answer to the last question is, "I'm sorry. Editors disapprove of that practice. I can assure you that I will not misrepresent anything you say."
Finding people to interview is no problem. You don't need access to a three-legged person, a unique museum, or the Fountain of Youth's owner. News is all around you. Open your eyes and look at the ordinary.
Maybe you would want to interview a supervisor in a Coca-Cola factory. How much does the machinery cost. How many bottles are broken daily? What does it cost to produce one bottle of Coke?
To find the right person to interview, make a few phone calls. Ask the operator or receptionist who you should ask about thus and so. Get the name of the person, and talk to their secretary. Ask what his hobby is. When you finally gain access to him, after the formal introductions are finished, you can open with, "I hear you are an avid golfer." And you are off and rolling on your interview.
Take a note pad, pen and small tape recorder. Ask if it is okay to use a tape recorder. Most people will be hesitant. A statement such as, "I just want to get the facts straight. Is it okay if I set this over here?" (point to an unobtrusive place) can relax them. Avoid interrupting the flow of the interview and take notes only when you must. Once you have your information, be sure to thank that person and make arrangements for any follow-up questions by telephone or email.
When you're ready to write it out, choose a working title. You can always change it later, and a working title will help you wrap your mind around the subject.
What will the scope and tone of your article be? Will it be an in-depth study, or will it cover only the highlights? Is your objective to instruct your readers, or will you be entertaining them? Will you be using an argumentative approach, or will you write it as a motivational piece? Once you have answered these questions, the research and writing will go faster and easier.
To feel comfortable about writing your article, you must collect more data than you will ever use. It will give you confidence, and that confidence will exude an air of authority and authenticity in the finished product. See below for more free writer's tips.
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