With its happening Second World War, state that engage in that martial tries to develop computer for mengeksploit proprietary strategics potency computer. It increases computer development finance and hasten computer tech progress. On year 1941, Konrad Zuse, an engineer Germanicing to build one computer, Z3, to design aircraft and guided missile.
Party abets also make headway other deep developmental computer force. Year 1943, party Englishing to solve secrets code knapping computer which named by Colossus to solve secret code that utilized by Germany. Colossus's makings impact not very regard computer industry developing because of two reasons. First, colossus not such versatile computer (general purpose computer), it just is designed to solve secret code. Both of, in the presence this machine is guarded its secrecy until one martial afters decade ends.
Effort that did by America party at that moment results an other progress. Howard H. Aiken (1900 - 1973), a working Harvard engineer with IBM, successful memproduksi electronics calculator for US Navy. That calculator gets stadium half footage and have cable range along 500 miles. The Harvd IBM Automatic sequence Controlled Calculator, or i. Mark, constituting electronic relay computer. It utilizes elektromagnetik's signal to move mechanical component. That machine beropreasi phlegmatically (it needs 3 5 seconds for each count) and inflexible (unalterable calculation thread). That calculator gets to do aritmatik's count basic and more equation complex.
Other computer developing on current is Electronic Numerical and Computer's Integrator (ENIAC), one that made by collaboration among commanding United States Of America and University Of Pennsylvania. Consisting of 18.000 vacuum tubes, 70. 000 resistor, and 5 million dot solder, that computer constitute machine that greatly which mengkonsumsi energis as big as 160kW.
This computer designed by John Presper Eckert (1919 - 1995) dn John W. Mauchly (1907 - 1980), ENIAC constitutes versatile computer (general purpose computer) one that working 1000 faster times than I. Mark
On middle 1940 an, John von Neumann (1903 - 1957) fose with University Of Pennsylvania's team in usha builds desin's concept computer that until 40 year comes is still to be used deep tech computers. Von Neumann designs Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC) on year 1945 by sebuh memories to keep all well programs or data even. This tech enable computer for halting at the moment and then drawns out its work be back. von Neumann's architecture main key is sentral's proceedings unit (CPU), one that enables all computer function for dikoordinasikan passes through one single source. Year 1951, I. UNIVAC (Automatic Computer's universal i.) one that made by Remington Rand, as computer komersial first that utilize von Neumann's architecture model that.
Well United States Of America census Body and General Electric has UNIVAC. One of impressive result that reached by UNIVAC Dalah its success in predict Dwilight's victory D. Eisenhower blackballs year president 1952.
First Generation computer at characteristic with that fact operation instruction was made by ala specific for a given task. Each computer has to program binary code that variably the so called “ machine languages ” (machine language). It causes difficult computer to be programmed and draws the line its speed. Computers other characteristic first generation be tube's purpose vacuum (one that make computer on that term is fairish huge) dn is magnetik's cylinder to laid up data. ( source: http://www. geocities. com / neo_vyper / )

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